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The return of a kidnapping phone scam is terrifying parents

Police are warning about a surge in calls to parents, claiming their child has been kidnapped.

HOUSTON — Consumers are being hit with so many suspicious calls, emails, and text messages these days, that it's easy to fall victim to a scam.

Now one woman wants to warn other parents about a terrifying scam that's making a resurgence this year after she almost fell for it, which would've cost her thousands of dollars.

Mary Powell saw her phone light up and instantly her whole world changed.

"So I was at work and I get a call with a girl sobbing at the other end," Powell said. "And it sounds pretty much like my daughter."

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Powell said she panicked as the only word she could make out was "mom" as a male voice got on the line.

"He said something about Walmart, and a parking lot and a robbery," Powell said. "And I have your daughter's phone and wallet."

The voice then said he would only release Powell's daughter if she went to her bank and withdrew thousands of dollars in cash.

Luckily it was all a scam and Powell's daughter was safe at home. But the truth is, the scams work. Diane Peters knows firsthand after she captured the scammers' voice on her phone last year.

"I was picturing my one daughter with the gun to her head and someone is telling her she needs to give them money," Peters said.

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The caller told Peters he wanted $500 wired to Mexico to set her daughter free.

"You just literally fall apart," Peters said.

In both cases, their daughters were home safe and knew nothing about the call. Police say all you can do is be aware of this scam because you can't prevent it.

The bottom line is to stop and question any suspicious call and ask a friend what they think, so you don't waste your money.

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