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What you can do to keep your house warm during extreme cold weather

If you want to preserve the heat experts have a few tips to share.

HOUSTON — Temperatures were below freezing Monday and will stay that way through the night.

People without central heating may be struggling to stay warm and if you’re at home and want to preserve the heat experts have a few tips to share.

First, you should stop the wind drafts from coming inside.

"Place sheets or towels around the window seals. It's not going to be efficient but it will help slow that down and keep your house warmer," Energy Ogre CEO Jesson Bradshaw said.

If you have a space heater, remember, it needs space. Follow the 30 feet rule.

"With the electric space heaters it's important it's not near something that is flammable," Bradshaw said.

Also, don’t leave the space heaters unattended and make sure children and pets aren’t near them.

Another tip, the colder it gets, the harder your furnace works to warm the air. Since warm air is lighter than cold air, it can stay trapped at the ceiling. By changing your ceiling fan direction to clockwise, its blades can push that warm air down towards the floor.

"If you run the fan backward where it pushes the air higher, it will help re-circulate and it will help disperse. You obviously want to keep it at a lower speed," Bradshaw said.

Also, close those drapes, or blinds, before sunset but open them during the day to get the free solar heat.

The biggest reminder for everyone is if something happens and your heater goes out and you need a warm place to stay, be sure to go to a warming center.

Anayeli Ruiz on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram

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