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5 tips to keep your plants healthy in the hot Texas summer 🌷

The Texas heat can mean trouble for your plants if you're not taking care of them correctly.

Summer is here in Texas (the temps are at least) and that means trouble for your A/C bill and your sunscreen budget. But it can also mean trouble for your plants if you're not taking care of them correctly.

Here are five tips for keeping your plants healthy this summer, courtesy of Archie's Gardenland in Fort Worth.

Make sure you’re watering regularly 💦

Perhaps increase your watering during the summer. Make sure to touch the soil first to ensure the plant really does need it. Early-morning watering can make a difference, as water will evaporate slower in the cooler temps, and your plants will be hydrated for the day's hottest times – just make sure you're following any watering limits put in place by your city or neighborhood.

Use mulch

Mulch helps conserve water, reduces direct sunlight and keeps weeds down. Get mulch at your local nursery and lay down a layer (a couple inches will do) for the summer.

Pay close attention to the plant’s sun and shade requirements 🌞

Shading plants during the hottest times of the days can benefit them! There are many shading structures available for any garden – just don't cover your plants too closely. That can keep helpful bugs out and trap heat in.

Acclimate your plants to the heat

If you have new plants, especially if they’re in pots, put them in the shade before the sun to get them acclimated to the hot climate.

Don’t give up! 🥀

Your plants may look sad, but they’re not dead. Keep taking care of them and they’ll eventually bloom again. 🌷🌹🌸🌺

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