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University head spent $7,000 of taxpayer dollars on Bigfoot events

The executive director at University of New Mexico Gallup spent more than $7,000 in taxpayer money on a Bigfoot conference and expedition, according to a recent investigation.

The executive director at University of New Mexico Gallup spent more than $7,000 in taxpayer money on a Bigfoot conference and expedition, according to a recent investigation.

Christopher Dyer, an avid Bigfoot hunter himself, coordinated the events, which paid for advertising, meals for guest speakers, airfare and hotel, KRQE reports.

In February, the two-day conference on “evidence, ecology and behavior” of Bigfoot featured an Idaho professor and New Mexico naturalist. Flyers indicated the professor, Jeff Meldrum, is a "renowned expert" on Sasquatch. KRQE reported the university gave Meldrum a $1,000 honorarium in addition to payment for expenses. After the event, Dyer and a few companions — not students or faculty — went on a university-funded Bigfoot expedition. The total: $7,458.

Dryer, who stands behind the decision to fund the events, and his group did not find Bigfoot.

“Dr. Dyer needs to be much more thoughtful about how he undertakes these activities," UNM President Robert Frank told KRQE. "The type of expedition that just took place was not appropriate and will not occur in that manner again."

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