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Tests warned of cement troubles before BP blowout

Tests performed before the deadly blowout ofBP's oil well in the Gulf of Mexico should have raised doubts aboutthe cement used to seal the well, but the company and its cementingcontractor used it anyway, investigators say.

WASHINGTON -- Tests performed before the deadly blowout of

BP's oil well in the Gulf of Mexico should have raised doubts about

the cement used to seal the well, but the company and its cementing

contractor used it anyway, investigators with the president's oil

spill commission said Thursday.

It's the first finding from the commission looking into the

causes of the April 20 explosion that killed 11 workers and led to

the largest offshore oil spill in U.S. history. And it appears to

conflict with statements made by Halliburton Co., which has said

tests showed the cement mix was stable.

The cement mix's failure to prevent oil and gas from entering

the well has been identified by BP and others as one of the causes

of the accident.

BP and Halliburton decided to use a foam slurry created by

injecting nitrogen into cement to secure the bottom of the well, a

decision outside experts have criticized.

The panel says that of four tests conducted in February and

April by Halliburton, only one -- the last -- showed the mix would

hold. But the results of that single successful test were not

shared with BP, and may not have reached Halliburton, before the

cement was pumped, according to a letter sent to commissioners

Thursday by chief investigative counsel Fred Bartlit.

BP had in hand at the time of the blowout the results of only

one of the tests -- a February analysis sent to BP by Halliburton on

March 8 that indicated the cement could fail.

Halliburton (and perhaps BP) should have considered

redesigning the foam slurry before pumping it at the Macondo

well, Bartlit writes.

Independent tests conducted for the commission by Chevron on a

nearly identical mixture were also released Thursday. The results

conclude the cement mix was unstable, raising questions about the

validity of Halliburton's final test.

BP, as part of its internal investigation, also conducted tests

that showed the cement mix was flawed, but its analysis was

criticized by Halliburton, which said it was not the correct

formula. The company also said the testing Halliburton did on the

cement was incomplete.

By contrast, the commission obtained proprietary additives from

Halliburton as well as a recipe to recreate the slurry that was

used on the well.

A spokeswoman for Halliburton said the company was reviewing the

findings and would have a response later Thursday.



Presidential Oil Spill Commission: www.oilspillcommission.gov

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