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Test your knowledge! Presidential ages

To be leader of the free world, you have to be at least 35. But what else do you know about the ages of U.S. presidents?

HOUSTON — To be leader of the free world, you have to be at least 35. But no U.S. President has ever been quite that young. They tend to run and win after a bit more life experience.

The oldest U.S. President ever sits in the White House right now. President Donald Trump was 70 when elected. The youngest, President Theodore Roosevelt took office at 42 years old in 1901. 

The most popular presidential ages are 54 and 51. A total of 10 Presidents have been elected at those ages, including George W. Bush and Franklin D. Roosevelt. 

John F. Kennedy was only 43. Abraham Lincoln was 52. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were both 57. 

Houston's beloved George H.W. Bush moved into the White House at 64. 

But with another presidential election on the horizon, 2020 could break records and here's why: 

The Democrats have several older candidates fighting for the White House. Bernie Sanders would be 79 if elected in 2020, smashing President Trump's record. Former Vice President Joe Biden wouldn't be far behind at 78. Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be 71. 

There are plenty of younger options, too, including South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. He's just 37. Julian Castro is 44 and big names like Booker, Harris and Klobuchar all hover in their 50s. 

History tells us the average age of every Democratic President has been 52 years old. So will voters want young or old this time around? 

President Trump is hoping voters want to stick with older. If he's re-elected at 74, he would break his own record and leave office at 78 years old. 


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