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Why is the U.S. bracing for a surge of migrants as Title 42 comes to an end?

The policy ends on May 11 and officials are preparing for an influx of immigrants.

HOUSTON — First, what exactly is Title 42?

Title 42 is a public health law that allows the government to take emergency action to stop the spread of communicable diseases.

In March 2020, the Trump administration invoked the law to cut down on border crossings as the COVID-19 pandemic got underway. Basically, Title 42 was used to override the immigration law that allows people to ask for asylum after crossing the border illegally.

The administration argued taking asylum seekers into custody at federal facilities would help spread COVID.

After a legal back and forth, the use of Title 42 to immediately expel migrants is coming to an end. We are already seeing people gathering along the border, but the surge might not just be about Title 42.

Migration tends to be seasonal, and as the weather warms up, more people pour across the border. Many are looking for seasonal jobs that surge at that time.

After Title 42 ends the U.S. goes back to its previous policy. That means people who try to cross the border multiple times will be penalized, facing up to two years in prison if they have already been removed or deported from the United States.

Under Title 42, experts say there was an increase in people making multiple attempts. Now, migrants are being asked to not cross the border and instead use an app, CBP One, to apply for asylum. However, users report that the app is filled with glitches, causing lots of frustration.

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