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The Internet thinks Hillary Clinton has a body double

Among speculation that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's health is failing, there's another theory gaining traction online: she might have a body double.

Among speculation that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's health is failing, there's another theory gaining traction online: she might have a body double.

The only "evidence" of this theory is photographs taken Sept. 11, when Clinton ducked out of a 9/11 anniversary ceremony in New York because she felt "overheated" and is battling pneumonia.

Some say the differences lie in the details: cheekbones, smooth versus wrinkled skin and body composition.

I believe #ClintonBodyDouble
Why? Came out Apt. -Looking & saying “feeling great” -yet cancelled California.#fraud pic.twitter.com/xJYOA0vgV0

— Manny Montenegrino (@manny_ottawa) September 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton "Body Double"? The person outside Chelsea's apartment has skinny legs and torso! You decide!#Trump pic.twitter.com/amopB3Jq1s

— Corporatocrazy (@Corporatocrazy) September 12, 2016

Look at this picture! It's NOOOT Hillary! She was replaced!!!#ClintonCollapsepic.twitter.com/q8QiN49Y51

— Tennessee GOP (@TEN_GOP) September 11, 2016

#HillarysBodyDouble trended-a side by side comparison raises some uncomfortable conspiracy questions #USelections pic.twitter.com/pABe6TMkgu

— Monica Jasuja (@jasuja) September 12, 2016

Many said it was strange Clinton wasn't surrounded by security for part of the day Sept. 11. She took her time walking along a sidewalk, telling spectators she was feeling "great" and stopped to pose for a photo with a young girl.

After famous Clinton impersonator Teresa Barnwell first played along, tweeting she might have been in New York that day, she later said she was in Los Angeles during the time of the photos, telling people to “calm down.”

OK people, calm down. I was in LA today, all day. Was just messin' with your crazy conspiracy minded little heads. Go to bed.

— Teresa Barnwell (@teresa_barnwell) September 12, 2016

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