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Why is working out outdoors better for you?

In a small study, researchers found big benefits to taking a nature walk as opposed to working out inside.

HOUSTON — First things first, for most people any exercise, whether it’s under the harsh glow of a fluorescent bulb or in a lush outdoor paradise -- is good for you. New research found physical activity done in nature considerably improves working memory and concentration, according to Washington Post.

In the past, studies found walks that were 30 minutes or more, in any environment, increased blood flow and cleared people’s minds.

This study looked at shorter walks, around 15 minutes. They gave the subjects cognitive tests, then alternated them between quick walks inside and outside, then repeated the cognitive tests. On most of the points measured the outdoor walkers performed better than the inside exercisers. They concentrated better and responded faster. In another study in China, researchers found exercising outside also improved motivation to keep exercising.

Scientists attribute these benefits to something called “soft fascination.” That is the idea that nature can hold our attention without being too demanding. That allows our brains to get some rest and relaxation. But of course, you have to pay attention to the conditions outside if you want to reap all the benefits of an outdoor workout.

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