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Manvel High School student arrested after allegedly stabbing classmate

A Manvel High School Freshman is in custody after authorities say he stabbed another student Friday during a fight on campus.

HOUSTON A Manvel High School Freshman is in custody after authorities say he stabbed another student Friday during a fight on campus.

The freshman football player reportedly used a pocket knife to attack a senior during an argument outside the cafeteria around 11 a.m.

A teacher stepped in to break up the fight.

Parents streamed in to take home their children early from school.

We just came to pick him up. No question about it, said Albert Martinez, who has a ninth grader.

Students were shaken after the fight.

I was walking down the hallway and he said, You wanna be a man? Fight with your fists. So the Mexican kid he pulled out a knife, Giavani said.

He reportedly had a standard pocket knife and used it against the upper classman.

He charged him, so he tried to stab him in the chest, but he had slit him on the arm back here, Giavani said.

The senior was cut twice. He was treated by paramedics on campus and released to his parents.

Students said it was chaos.

Gotta get up outta here. Gotta go, Giavani said.

Martha Flores added, It was crazy. Nobody knew what was going. They said it was good, but it really wasn t good.

This was the second notification parents got Friday morning about trouble on campus.

We got one phone call saying there was a gun on campus, then we got a second phone call about an hour ago saying a kid got stabbed, Martinez said.

The first alert came around 7:30 in the morning, triggering a 10-minute lockdown. It was a false alarm.

The student who was stabbed suffered minor injuries and was sent home with his parents, who followed up with their family doctor. The suspect is in custody and will not be returning to Manvel High School.

There was no official word on what started the fight, but some students think it was over a girl.

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