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Fort Worth boy raises $80K, travels to Zambia to give out hearing aids

Most 11-year-olds are spending their summer at camp, or hanging out with family and friends. But one Fort Worth sixth grader is traveling the world, changing lives.

FORT WORTH — Most 11-year-olds are spending their summer at camp, or hanging out with family and friends.

But one Fort Worth sixth grader is traveling the world, changing lives.

Braden Baker has raised more than $80,000 on GoFundMe in the last year to help give hearing aids to those who can't afford them.

"My goal now is to raise $100,000," said Braden.

So far, he's helped give hundreds of people access to hearing aids through the Oticon Hearing Foundation.

We first introduced you to Braden in March, after he appeared on The Ellen Show and traveled to Guatemala on a mission trip to distribute hearing aids with Oticon and Entheos, a cooperative of private audiologists who volunteer to make a difference.

He says his latest trip, to Zambia last month, was extra special.

'It was such a life changing experience," said Braden. "It made me think differently about everything we had."

For 11 days in June, Braden watched the world transform for hundreds of people at a makeshift clinic who were able to hear, some, for the first time.

"A hearing smile is when someone finally gets their first pair of hearing aids and they're able to hear," said Braden. "They just get this big smile on their face, their expression just by itself, it's so amazing to see."

"Meeting mothers that had hearing impaired kids, a lot of times the kids don't get the chance to go to school, because families feel like it's a waste of time they can't hear," said Braden's mom, Ashley. "They don't have the resources to know and understand that kid can do something pretty great, he just need access to hearing aids."

Access changes everything. In Zambia, a country of 17 million, Entheos says there is just one audiologist.

Entheos makes an annual trip to Zambia, when doctors check patient's hearing and fit them with hearing aids.

Braden himself is hearing impaired. He was inspired to start his GoFundMe campaign last summer, after his dog Chewy destroyed his hearing aids, twice.

Braden's parents told him how learned how lucky he was to afford another pair. He started thinking of those, who couldn't, and started his fundraising campaign right then and there.

"It's so crazy to be able to see someone gain one of their senses I guess you could say because of you," said Braden.

"I hope he remembers the people that were hugging him. I hope he remembers the school we went to with the dirt floor," said Ashley Baker.

Braden says, it makes him appreciate his own hearing aids, that much more.

Braden says, as long as he can help people gain "hearing smiles," it's his duty, to keep going.

"It makes me feel so grateful," said Braden. "It's so crazy because I just like worked this hard and got this far because of everyone who supported me."

Braden is selling T-shirts for $25 through GoFundMe to help raise money for Oticon Foundation. He says he also has a meeting scheduled next month with a major Dallas corporation, regarding donations.

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