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Pancho Claus delivers toys, holiday cheer on Houston's east side despite health scares

Richard Reyes, aka Pancho Claus, made his annual trek through Houston's east side on Christmas Day. He and helpers delivered toys to kids at various stops. It's something he's done since 1981.

HOUSTON — Dozens of kids on Houston’s east side had a merrier Christmas thanks to Pancho Claus.”

Richard Reyes’ toy and gift giveaway almost didn’t happen because of health setbacks. But it wasn’t enough to spoil the 38th annual event.

“Feliz Navidad!” shouted Reyes as he rode in a low rider through the streets of east Houston.

He delivered holiday sheer with a bunch of helpers, including Precinct 6 deputy constables.

“We had a big party on Christmas Eve, where we had registered families that we knew were going through a challenge,” said Reyes. “But today’s kind of like a surprise.”

It’s no surprise to generations of families who come out of their homes when they hear Pancho Claus approaching.

“It’s like a tradition,” said Roxanna Cabrales. “You hear the horn and you hear the sirens from the cops and that’s how you know he’s coming.”

Coming around this year was more of a challenge for Reyes after recent health problems.

“You know, I had the two heart attacks a few months ago and then the one before that five years ago,” said Reyes. “But I’m feeling 100 percent.”

He says seeing the smiles on the faces of so many families may be the best medicine.

“The kids are happy and delirious,” said Reyes. “But it’s also nice seeing the relief on the faces of parents and grandparents who may be concerned about providing toys.”

Jose Ramirez and his sister Miriam were among a bunch of kids crowding Pancho Claus’ car at one stop. They appreciated the additional gifts they got this year and wish nothing but the best for the man who never comes up short.

“I would say to Pancho Claus, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” said Jose. “And make Houston better again next year.”

Preparing for the Christmas Day giveaway takes much of the year. Bars, restaurants and hair salons are among the places that help collect toys for Pancho Claus.

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