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Why do parents have to brush up on healthy homework habits along with their kids?

There are things you can do to help your student succeed.
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HOUSTON — Students are not the only ones whining about the return of homework. Many parents are bemoaning the return of after school studies. That’s because it can be a frustrating experience for children and adults.

But there are steps you can take now to help your student succeed.

It’s important to remember that homework is about more than just reinforcing what was learned in school. It’s also supposed to be teaching kids important lessons in responsibility, time management and independence.

So what can you do?

According to Scholastic, parents can help set the stage. Make sure your child has a clutter-free quiet spot to do homework. Kids should use the same spot every day to help reinforce the habit. Also work with your kid to figure out the right time to get homework done.

Some students work best when they do it right after school when all the material is fresh in their brains. Others need to decompress from the day before tackling projects.

Another important reminder for parents is to remember this is your child’s homework, not yours. Be available to answer questions and provide encouragement but if you take over, it can ruin the lesson your kid was supposed to be learning.

Also, keep your frustrations to yourself. If you treat homework like an annoyance, there is a good chance your child will as well.

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