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‘Jerry was Houston’: Family, friends, fellow officers attend funeral of beloved HPD Officer Jerry Flores

Texas State Senator Carol Alvarado, a lifelong friend, remembered Jerry as “a guy’s guy, a ladies’ man, a strong, generous, dedicated public servant.”
Credit: HPD / Flores family
HPD Senior Officer Jerry Flores was remembered by family, friends and fellow officers at a funeral mass.

HOUSTON — From police chief to politicians, Senior Houston Police Officer Jerry Flores was remembered Wednesday for his charm, dedication and passion for living life to the fullest. 

Jerry, or JFlo as his many friends called him, died last week, more than two years after the 2018 golf cart accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury.

During the traditional funeral mass at St. Ignacio of Loyola Catholic Church, friends remembered Jerry as a kind and generous soul who never met a stranger.

“Jerry treated all of us the same. We were all best friends to Jerry,” HPD Officer Rick Barajas said. “He remembered your name, your kid’s name, even your dog’s name.”

Barajas said Jerry had a huge inner circle of people who thought of him as family.

RELATED: HPOU: Beloved officer Jerry Flores, injured in golf cart incident in 2018, has passed away

Laughter filled the church as other friends shared their "Jerry stories."

"He couldn't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow, but if he had enough drinks in him, he thought he could rap," another fellow officer and friend said.

Jerry spent nearly three decades with HPD and received multiple commendations through the years. He and Barajas founded the annual Blue Santa toy drive.

“I started hearing about JFlo before I even got here. I was thinking J-Lo, some good-looking woman,” HPD Chief Art Acevedo joked. “You have set a standard that can’t be surpassed. Here’s to you, Jerry. We love you brother.”

Texas State Senator Carol Alvarado, a close friend, called Jerry a “a guy’s guy, a ladies’ man, a strong, generous, dedicated public servant.”

She said Jerry “could throw down with the Cholos on the north side, rub elbows with the high rollers in River Oaks and talk it up with the ballplayers at Minute Maid Park.”

Jerry was on the Astros police detail and was given a World Series ring when they won in 2017. It was one of the highlights in a life full of them. 

“Jerry was Houston. The spirit and the legend of Jerry Flores will forever represent the hearts of Houston,” Alvarado said.

RELATED: #JFloStrong: Huge turnout for benefit for HPD Officer Jerry Flores

She had a special message for Jerry’s sister Linda, who rarely left his side after the accident.

“We have all been so deeply moved by the sacrifices you have made, the selflessness you have shown in taking care of your baby brother these last two years,” Alvarado said. “You did everything humanly possible to help Jerry with the challenges he faced.”

Because Jerry wasn’t on duty when the accident happened, the family was responsible his medical bills. Fundraisers and golf tournaments have helped offset some of the cost.

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