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Hundreds ride down I-45 to celebrate breast cancer survivors

"It's just really a thrill to be able to get out on a motorcycle to celebrate being able to be alive again and able to do it."

HOUSTON — Hundreds of people rode motorcycles down I-45 Sunday morning to celebrate breast cancer survivors.

The ride was part of the seventh annual Ride With Me campaign.

Several breast cancer survivors participated in the event.

“I am a survivor. I made three years in September. It’s just really a thrill to be able to get out on a motorcycle to celebrate being able to be alive again and able to do it. I hear the motors run and it’s a celebration,” said Regina Richards.

The ride started at Gulfgate Mall and ended in Texas City.

Bikers wore pink and tied pink bandanas on their motorcycles as part of the breast cancer awareness campaign.

“We give back to them, because we want them to feel special when it’s all over, said and done with. We don’t want any lady to feel like this is the end. So on this day, we celebrate survivorship with food, dance, gifts, awards, football, and the whole nine yards,” said Alisa Bryant.

Bryant originally organized the event in honor of her mother, who survived breast cancer 22 years ago.

Money raised during the Ride With Me campaign is donated to Angels Surviving Cancer, Inc.

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