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Authorities crack down on bartenders who over serve on New Year's Eve

TABC agents plan to do inspections and show up to undercover to places that serve alcohol to make sure bartenders aren’t overserving.

Bars and restaurants are welcoming party goers on Tuesday night who are looking to celebrate the new year.

The large crowds expected to be out drinking has authorities on high alert as Harris County leads the state for DWIs.

However, drivers aren’t the only ones who could face the consequences. The state and law enforcement are cracking down on bartenders as well to make sure they are doing their part to keep New Year’s Eve revelers safe heading into 2020.

Chris Porter, public information officer for the Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission, said bars across the state can expect TABC agents to be working on New Year’s Eve making sure no one is overserved.

Porter said TABC agents plan to do inspections and show up undercover to places that serve alcohol to make sure bartenders aren’t overserving.

He said it includes those big hotel parties.

Porter said they plan to focus on places that have come under fire in the past for not following the rules.

Harris County Assistant District Attorney Sean Teare said they’re cracking down on bartenders who knowingly serve intoxicated people.                           

He said investigators work backwards from DWI cases involving arrests and crashes.

“As we identify specific servers, specific institutions and bars that put profits over the safety of our public we’re going to hold those people accountable as well," Teare said.

Bartenders could face up to a $500 fine or a year in jail if they are found guilty of over serving someone. The business could also have its alcohol permit suspended and face a fine.

Bartenders are encouraged to prepare and to look for signs of intoxication. If you do plan to drink, make sure you have a sober ride home.

RELATED: Don’t drink and drive! Free rides, tows and Lyft discounts available in Houston on New Year's Eve

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