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LSU mascot gets flowers, 'get well soon' card from Tusk IV

Sometimes rivalries take a back seat when respected opponents need support through tough times.

The Razorbacks mascot sent a card to the tiger, which read:“Get well soon! We are pulling for you to defeat this foe just like you have all athletic opponents in the past 9 years as the Tigers live mascot. Take care, see you soon. – Tusk IV” 

UNDATED (KTHV) – Sometimes rivalries take a back seat when respected opponents need support through tough times.

In this case, it’s the unlikely case of Tusk IV rooting for Mike VI, the live mascot of the Louisiana State Tigers, who was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma, according to the university website.

The Razorbacks mascot sent flowers and a ‘get well soon’ card to the recovering tiger, which read:

“Get well soon! We are pulling for you to defeat this foe just like you have all athletic opponents in the past 9 years as the Tigers live mascot. Take care, see you soon. – Tusk IV”

Mike VI posted a picture of the items on Facebook saying, “Thanks, Tusk! Arkansas’ Razorback sent me flowers. #MascotsStickTogether.” It has 16,000 reactions, almost 600 comments and over 7,000 shares since Wednesday.

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