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How to stay motivated to workout during quarantine

It’s been a few weeks since the stay-at-home order was issued. Have you lost your motivation to work out?

HOUSTON — If you've been feeling a bit lazy, you're not alone. A lot of us have stopped our regular workouts and have opted for that new television series in instead.

So how do you get back on the health bandwagon? 

"If you are normally accustomed to getting up at 4:30 am and getting to the gym to the gym by 5, that shouldn’t change now. You have to be your own disciplinarian," personal trainer Emily Hutchins said. 

A Nike master trainer, Hutchins works with professional athletes as well as people like me and you. She says you need to maintain that routine you’ve always had. And no need for a gym, you can do it from your living room.

 "I have people lying on their back doing chest press with dog food bags, using detergent bottles for back rows. Being more resourceful for what you have access to. But at the same time you don’t need anything you can accomplish a lot of work with your own body work," Hutchins said.

Mental health Expert Bill Prasad said it’s also easier when you have a buddy to workout with.

"Make sure someone holds us accountable. What if you have a zoom appointment at 8 am or virtually working out with someone. They would be the ones holding you accountable," Prasad said. 

But how do you stop yourself from that constant snacking or that bag of chips? Hutchins’ said a little walk, can go a long way.

 "Water, taking vitamins in the morning. And exposing yourself to a little sunlight can go a long way or just get up and go outside for 5 minutes," Hutchins said. 

And for those busy parents who have to juggle the kids, the house and work. Taking turns is the best way to get that workout done.

 "He does workout one morning while the wife is managing the kids. They are flipping on and off. It’s a team effort that way," Hutchins said. 

Remember the best tip is to keep moving. Lots of trainers are offering free workouts online every day.

If you would like to follow Hutchins training routine you can check out the following pages:

Soon, these doors WILL open again. To our community of supporters, thank you for sticking with us, we live for each day to see your faces on our computer screens. We're cheering for you, thank you for cheering for us. Keep training with us. , TEAM OYM @zoerainphoto


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