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New stimulus bill includes $25 billion in emergency rental relief, extends eviction moratorium

The relief bill that passed Monday night could provide some much-needed rental assistance for many families who are being evicted from their homes.

HOUSTON — The relief bill that passed Monday night could provide much-needed rental assistance for many families who are being evicted from their homes. The bill also extends the rent moratorium until the end of January.

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Families are getting eviction notices and they’re in fear they might be left without a home.

"I was a little behind with unemployment benefits and loss of wages. But losing the job really set me back. It doesn’t take much at all," Alyssa Cohn said of her situation.

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Cohn is a single mother in Houston and says she's facing eviction. She said hearing about the new coronavirus relief bill brings her hope that she might be able to qualify for aid to get back on her feet.

"That would be a big relief. It would give me time to get a new job and get my finances in order," Cohn said.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition says $25 billion in rental relief will be distributed to states and counties across the country based on population. That money will go towards families who make below 80% of the area median income and priority would be given to those below 50% of area median income.

"The funds can be used to pay for back rent and utilities. And can be used for up to 12 months of assistance. If more time is needed, up to 15 months of assistance," said Diane Yentel with the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

The only concern some have is that once the president signs the bill it could take a month for the money to be distributed. Even with the rent moratorium extension through Jan. 31, some fear the money won't arrive in time.

"My concern is January comes around and the evictions in Texas ans Houston are still going to be continuing. Before they get the rental relief from the federal government," said John-Ross Trevino with the Lone Star Legal Aid.

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