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'We have never stopped seeing cases' | Texas A&M starts random COVID-19 testing next week

Two sorority houses were among those impacted by outbreaks this week.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Aggies are masking up this year like counterparts at other colleges and universities.

They’re also getting tested inside a special tent.

"You swab around your mouth collecting samples of saliva,” one student who got tested said.

A number of COVID-19 cases have cropped up on the College Station campus in recent days.

That includes outbreaks at two sorority houses which prompted quarantine, cleaning and contact tracing efforts.

"You know, we have never stopped seeing cases in our community, including on campus," Dr. Rebecca Fischer with A&M's School of Public Health said. "As they’ve trickled through the summer.”

Fischer said a random testing program beginning next week will anonymously select students who will get a computer-generated alert before showing up for a test.

"This random testing program allows students who may not demonstrate symptoms to know their infection status and then, therefore, they know how to protect themselves and others," Fischer said. "They also become familiar with their health status and their infection status so they can self-monitor for the warning signs.”

Right now, about 76% of students are back for in-person learning.

But A&M’s president warned that not complying with COVID-related protocols could jeopardize that.

"We need to be willing to say 'yes' if we get an email to do a random test or to answer a phone call if we get a contact tracer,” student body president Eric Mendoza said.

Mendoza said some students have concerns about testing and other protocols, but he believes helping preserve the full college experience should be their priority.

"What’s really important to harp on and to emphasize is that it’s not just what you do on campus, in the classroom," said Mendoza.  "What you do off-campus is just as important.”

He said buying into precautions applies wherever you are.

Tap here for more on TAMU's COVID resources.

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