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Houston ISD Superintendent Mike Miles' first 'State of the District' address met with protests

Miles told the crowd many concerns have arisen because he's raising expectations and accountability.

HOUSTON, Texas — There were two different welcoming committees at Houston ISD's “State of the District” event held on Thursday.

Inside was a choir singing while outside protesters were chanting about what they believe the state takeover of HISD has done since last summer.

"Sure, there were some improvements needed," said retired HISD employee Christy Michelle Brewster. "But killing it was not in the plan.”

Roberts Elementary mom Jessica Seff brought two of her children.

"Well, I told the girls, I said, 'Okay, we’re going to have a social studies lesson today,'" said Seff. "We love our schools, we want to save our schools.”

Superintendent Mike Miles, who was appointed by Texas Commissioner of Education Mike Morath, told the crowd that addressing all schools is his goal.

"We have, yes, great schools," said Miles.  "But we have a whole bunch of schools where the kids don’t have the same opportunities.”

At least three protesters managed to grab seats inside the event and attempted to disrupt things before law enforcement escorted them out.

"Some of the concern I understand out there because we are raising expectations and raising accountability," said Miles during his speech. "That’s why there is a level of anxiety.”

Anxiety among many likely won’t subside until the state intervention is over. That's also something Miles addressed during the event.

"Hopefully, we can have an elected board back in five or six years," said Miles. "That's just me. The commissioner hasn't told me that. He has his own timeline."

Jason Miles on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram

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