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Deer Park pastor opens church doors for vigil as ITC fire continues to burn

The church doors will be open nonstop until 12 p.m. Wednesday for an ongoing vigil to pray for those fighting the ITC fire.

DEER PARK, Texas — As the fire continues to burn, the obvious isn’t lost on the people of Deer Park.

“We can open our eyes and see there’s a big cloud of smoke,” said resident Shree Brod.

The days-old menace was not enough for Brod to keep her son home from school.

“Keeping him in school and keeping him on his regular schedule is the best thing for us,” said Brod.

Brod told us she’s mostly trusting her gut, but she believes what officials say about the smoke plume and its supposedly insignificant impact.

Although she knows many fellow parents decided to keep their kids home from school as a precaution.

“It’s not very difficult to see that we always live very close to this type of thing,” said Brod. “And this type of danger is always there.”

San Jacinto Church, which sits within sight of the smoke, is relying on a higher power.

“Hands down, from the fire captain to the mayor of the city and other government officials,” said Pastor David Graham. “All said 'we just need prayer.'”

Graham decided to hold a 24-hour vigil for firefighters, in particular.

Many of them help make up his 500+ member congregation.

“I mean, they are out there on the front lines serving and we just want to make sure we cover them in prayer,” said Graham. “Asking the Lord to keep them safe and give peace to their families, because it’s a burden on all of them.”

Graham is a former firefighter himself.

“I started in Lubbock, Texas and retired in Idaho,” said Graham. 

He believes crews are containing the blaze as best they can. 

Meanwhile, people like Brod are banking on a resolution soon.

“I want it to go away as soon as possible,” said Brod. “And not happen again soon.”

San Jacinto Church will be open nonstop until 12 p.m. Wednesday for people to come inside a pray.

It’s located at 310 West P Street in Deer Park.


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