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Man left dead on road near Channelview ISD school after car burglary, chase and shootout, HCSO said

The suspected car burglars dumped the body near Harvey Brown Elementary after a shootout with the man chasing them. The school started late because of the incident.

HOUSTON — An early-morning car break-in in Channelview Thursday led to a chase, a shootout and a body dumped near a school, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Major S. Suarez said it all started when someone in the Rolling Green subdivision saw a vehicle being broken into near Conover Court and called the owner. The owner witnessed the break-in, grabbed his gun and chased after the suspects, deputies said.

During the chase, the owner was on the phone with police giving information, Suarez said. At some point, gunfire was exchanged and one person was shot. Suarez said the vehicle the thieves were in stopped and a body was pushed out near the school.

Deputies said the person who was killed appeared to be between 16 and 20 years old. He has not been identified.

Deputies are still looking for several more people who were involved, along with the other vehicle. It was described as a "small white 4-door sedan." 

Investigators said they have a person of interest and the owner's vehicle.

A grand jury will decide if the person of interest will face charges.

Classes at a Channelview ISD campus are postponed this morning after a body was found on the road nearby.

The school district posted the following message on its website:

We have unfortunate news to report. There has been an incident this morning off Wallisville Road, near Harvey Brown Elementary. We do not believe any of our students were involved; however, we anticipate traffic delays while police investigate. Due to the nature of the incident and the projected time it will take police to investigate–we will push back the start time for all Harvey Brown students.

School for all Harvey Brown Elementary will begin 2 hours later at 10:35 a.m. this morning. All bus routes will pick up 2 hours later than normal as well. We ask staff to please try and arrive at your normally scheduled hour. Again, classes will begin for all Harvey Brown will begin at 10:35 a.m. We ask that staff arrive at their regularly scheduled time.

We ask that all Channelview ISD parents remain patient as this may affect several bus routes. 

Thank you for your support as we work to navigate this unforeseen incident. 

Again, classes will begin for all Harvey Brown students 2 hours later at 10:35 a.m. Staff is being asked to arrive at their regularly scheduled time. If a student arrives before classes begin, they will be allowed inside the campus and be given breakfast. 

We ask that all CISD parents remain patient as this accident may affect several bus routes. Please know we are working as quickly as possible. 

Please know that we take these situations seriously, as your child’s safety is our absolute top priority. It is important you know that our transportation department is focused on providing the highest level of student safety.

Estimado padre de CISD,

Tenemos noticias desafortunadas que informar. Ha habido un incidente esta mañana en Wallisville Road, cerca de la escuela primaria Harvey Brown. No creemos que ninguno de nuestros estudiantes estuviera involucrado; sin embargo, anticipamos retrasos en el tráfico mientras la policía investiga. Debido a la naturaleza del incidente y el tiempo proyectado que le tomará a la policía investigar, retrasaremos la hora de inicio para todos los estudiantes de Harvey Brown.

Escuela para todos La primaria Harvey Brown comenzará 2 horas más tarde a las 10:35 am esta mañana. Todas las rutas de autobús recogerán 2 horas más tarde de lo normal también. Le pedimos al personal que intente llegar a la hora programada normalmente. Una vez más, las clases comenzarán para todos. Harvey Brown comenzará a las 10:35 a. m. Le pedimos al personal que llegue a su horario habitual.

Les pedimos a todos los padres de Channelview ISD que sean pacientes ya que esto puede afectar varias rutas de autobús.

Gracias por su apoyo mientras trabajamos para superar este incidente imprevisto.

Nuevamente, las clases comenzarán para todos los estudiantes de Harvey Brown 2 horas más tarde a las 10:35 am . Se le pide al personal que llegue a su horario regular. Si un estudiante llega antes de que comiencen las clases, se le permitirá ingresar al campus y se le dará desayuno.

Pedimos a todos los padres de CISD que sean pacientes ya que este accidente puede afectar varias rutas de autobús. Tenga en cuenta que estamos trabajando lo más rápido posible.

Tenga en cuenta que tomamos estas situaciones con seriedad, ya que la seguridad de su hijo es nuestra máxima prioridad absoluta. Es importante que sepa que nuestro departamento de transporte se enfoca en brindar el más alto nivel de seguridad para los estudiantes.

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