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Four years after the body of Meagan Gonzales was found burned, her family is still seeking justice

Some say time heals all wounds, but for Meagan's father the pain as become more intense as he struggles to understand her death.

SAN ANTONIO — Every year the family of Meagan Gonzales comes together at her gravesite to mark the day her body was found. Meagan's father Eddie Gonzales said spending time with her gives him some relief.

"I feel like half my heart is gone," said Eddie Gonzales.

Gonzales say the Christmas holidays are difficult as he remembers the time he would spend with his beloved daughter.

"Me and my daughter were always decorating. We would decorate the ornaments together. We would talk about what gifts we were going to buy, and give to who and we spent a lot of great times on it. Now that the holidays are here again, I miss her," he said.

Some say that times heals all wounds, but for Eddie, he says the pain has become more intense as he struggles to understand her death.

"Her room, I still have it the same. I said she's going to come back. I'm going to leave it the same, but as the years go away, I'm realizing no she isn't. She's not going to come back," he said.

Meagan Gonzales was reported missing in November of 2019. A few weeks later her body was found burned and dumped in a field in the 12000 block of Wisdom Road in south Bexar County.

The case remains unsolved. Eddie says finding who killed Meagan would give him some peace and relief. He says getting justice for her is a promise he has made to her, and he prays that day will come.

"I was hoping that by now, maybe we would have had justice. I've seen all the hard work that the investigators are doing, and hopefully one day somebody will come forward, and just turn themselves in," he said.

There is a $5,000 Crime Stoppers reward for information leading to an arrest. You can also remain anonymous. If you have information about the case, you can call Crime Stoppers at 210-224-STOP, you can also submit a tip by clicking here

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