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Deputies warn shoppers to stay smart, alert while out buying gifts

"People need to remember that our crooks also want to provide Christmas for their kids and family,"

Just days away from the Black Friday frenzy, some shoppers are hitting the stores early, which means so are the thieves.

"This is what a criminal does. They walk up to cars, and they look in them. They see if there’s packages that might have some value to them," said Precinct 1 Constable Alan Rosen.

'Tis the season for us to give and for them to take.

“People need to remember that our crooks also want to provide Christmas for their kids and family," said Rosen.

Which is the reason for this yearly reminder.

“Anything can cover up your packages," Rosen said.

Rosen says awareness is number one. Know where you are and who’s around you. Keep your car clean – of your purse, purchases, or anything someone might want to take. Wear a cross-body bag, and always appear confident.

You should always try to travel in groups and only park in well-lit areas.

“We’re going to catch some folks out there doing things they shouldn't be doing," said Precinct 4 Constable Mark Herman.

Law enforcement from Harris County and Precinct Four are designating patrols just for Black Friday. Some are even giving drivers report cards.

“Every time a deputy or deputy constable drives down the street, we’re hoping that people just go to another area.”

But if you become a target, they say don’t become a victim.

“Give the crook what they want. Obviously if they’re trying to take your life, you fight for your life, but when it comes to property, there’s no property worth your life," Rosen said.

If ever you feel unsafe, call 911.

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