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Community helps cancer patient whose medications were stolen from his SUV

The incident happened outside an east Houston home and was caught on surveillance camera.

HOUSTON — A Houston man fighting for his life has one more thing to worry about after some thieves stole his cancer medications out of his SUV.

The incident happened outside an east Houston home and was caught on surveillance camera.

For the past two years, life has thrown a series of curveballs at Christopher Perez.

“It’s thyroid cancer,” Perez said, “but it has metastasized into my lymph nodes.”

Last Thursday, Perez found out it has spread even more.

“It’s just so hard to explain the feeling. It’s miserable. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody," he said.

After Perez found out the bad news, he went to his mother’s house to tell her. Video shows Perez had only been inside for a few minutes when a black sedan pulled up. Within seconds, a man got out of the passenger side of the car, smashed Perez’s back window and took off with his bag that contained all of his newly filled prescription medications along with his wallet.

Perez believes he was followed from the pharmacy.

“They just went straight to the window of where the bag was,” Perez said. “They had to have known what they were looking for.”

Perez said 15 medications worth several thousand dollars were stolen. They are pills he’ll have to pay for out of pocket now once he proves to doctors and the pharmacy they were stolen.

Houston Police is investigating but getting those medications refilled is proving to be a long and painful process.

“It just keeps getting more frustrating and more frustrating, and then my body is just getting weaker and weaker by the day," Perez said.

His mother posted the surveillance video online, and Houston has shown up. Nearly $7,000 has been donated to a GoFundMe page his family and friends set up. On Tuesday, a stranger even fixed his broken SUV window.

“One simple act of evil from one person generated a whole community to come together and help somebody that they’ve never met before," Perez said. "It was just a beautiful thing.”

Anyone with information about the thieves should call Houston Police.


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