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Will legislators limit president's national emergency powers?

It appears enough Republicans are considering voting with Democrats for the bill to pass. If they did it would be a sharp rebuke to the president's plan.

A new maneuver on Capitol Hill could save the president from another legislative defeat while also limiting the power of future president's when it comes to declaring a national emergency.

Let's connect the dots.

First, the Senate is set to vote on a House-backed bill disapproving of the president's border wall funding emergency.

It appears enough Republicans are considering voting with Democrats for the bill to pass. If they did it would be a sharp rebuke to the president's plan.

Now, a group of GOP senators are swooping in with a deal that would revise the national emergencies act to limit the length of time of a national emergency to no more than 30 days.

If the White House wants more time than that it would need congressional approval.

Here’s the catch.

The president hasn't indicated if he would accept the compromise. And without the White House on board, those Republicans who are sitting on the fence could vote against his original emergency, hitting the president with another setback and questions about whether he can get money for his wall.

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