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Boxing's odd couple: Muhammad Ali and Howard Cosell

PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. (2010) — The voice, abruptly unleashed from an audio vault, ascends in rising tides of dissonance. It is unrelenting in purpose and fervor.


PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. (2010) — The voice, abruptly unleashed from an audio vault, ascends in rising tides of dissonance. It is unrelenting in purpose and fervor.


It is, of course, Howard Cosell.

Muhammad Ali — who died Friday at age 74 — sitting in a chair, stops shaking and slowly raises his head. There — right there! — is his deceased friend whose unforgettable nasal delivery is again peppering the champion with that unforgettable caustic cadence.

Cosell: “Are you taking Zora Folley too lightly?”

Ali: “Why would you say that?”

Cosell: “Because every indication has been that you’re confident that you can beat Zora.”

Ali: “I’m confident I can whup ’em all. This ain’t nothin’ new. My image has been confident. What you tryin’ to make it look like something new for? I’m always confident. I’ll whup all of ’em.”

Cosell: “You’re being extremely truculent.”

Ali: “Whatever truculent means, if that’s good, I’m that.”

Such animated, unrehearsed repartee transformed what could have been traditional interview fare into delectable, can’t-miss live television.

Instead of two enormous egos crashing into cacophony, the Ali-Cosell bond created a symphony of sound bites. That, in turn, drove monster ratings and furthered their individual causes.

HBO boxing analyst Larry Merchant was a newspaper columnist in New York when the Ali-Cosell phenomenon was born on ABC-TV.

“Before Ali was embargoed from fighting (for refusing military induction), there was a kind of symbiosis in which he and Cosell recognized how they could use each other in a positive way,” Merchant says. “Ali did not feel threatened by Cosell. And Cosell recognized, as we all did, that there never had been another athlete quite like Ali.

“Ali was so telegenic with his personality and looks; you couldn’t take your eyes off him. Howard’s job was to keep him on camera as long as possible, maybe gently agitate him from time to time. (Ali) was the pied piper, and Cosell realized it. It turned out to be a great act.”

On the surface, boxing’s odd couple appeared to have almost no shared life experiences, beyond being the victims of overt discrimination and a change in surnames.

Ali was a black man born in the South, a supremely athletic creature with limited formal education. As a famous fighter, he embraced a religious sect that frightened white America.

Cosell was Jewish, born Howard Cohen in North Carolina and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was an erudite, verbose sort who graduated from law school, a broadcaster trying to redefine himself in a new career.

They forged a connection when Cassius Clay knocked out Sonny Liston to win the world heavyweight championship in 1964 in Miami Beach. Clay quickly declared himself a follower of Black Muslim leader Elijah Muhammad, who renamed the fighter Muhammad Ali.

Unlike many, Cosell immediately called Ali by his new Islamic name.

Later, when Ali refused induction into the military based on religious objections, Cosell quickly — and boisterously — defended his right to do so.

The bombastic fighter had found a defender; the acerbic broadcast journalist uncovered a perfect foil that helped create his peerless on-air persona.

“In no way did my father ever think that he and Muhammad would become a shtick,” says Jill Cosell, his eldest daughter. “Muhammad was very funny — and had a big mouth. He was so damn good looking that you were smitten with him. He was charming, and there was something boy-like, and innocent, about him.

“My father initially defended him and their relationship evolved into a friendship. Muhammad trusted my father.”

As their on-screen chemistry percolated, so did their audience.

America watched with great anticipation as the outsized personalities crossed verbal swords — but without enmity and, oftentimes, with humorous bluster.

Once, Ali peeled back Cosell’s famous toupee, pretending to peek at his scalp.

Or the champ would make a threatening gesture.

“Don’t touch me,” Cosell teased with a pseudo-glare. “I’ll beat your brains out.”

Cosell certainly was not timid; he challenged Ali. During post-fight interviews, Cosell would think nothing of cutting off Ali in midsentence as the fighter began what the broadcaster called his “gratitude-to-the-Muslims speech.”

“All right, Muhammad, we’ve been through that enough.”

There was the time he scolded the fighter on Wide World of Sports for humiliating Ernie Terrell by repeatedly saying, “What’s my name?” as Ali was punishing his opponent in their 1967 bout.

Cosell told Ali he was guilty of “pitiless taunting.” Ali said he couldn’t stop hitting Terrell because he would have been disqualified.

“You’re not a stupid boy,” Cosell said.

Ali nailed him with a beautiful counter.

“Thanks, Howard. You’re not as dumb as you look.”

Underneath the clowning was mutual respect and friendship, though each recognized the other’s flaws. Cosell had taken a very public stand for a controversial, polarizing figure. And, naturally, there were consequences.

“People would call our house and call my father a n------loving, Jew bastard,” Jill said.

Her father also was vigilant, and savvy enough, never to endorse Ali’s religious or political views.

Instead, Cosell vigorously defended Ali’s right to resist the draft without (illegal) retribution from the federal government.

Few Americans agreed with Ali — or with Cosell’s rational argument.

After Ali retired, he appeared less frequently in public as his medical condition worsened. Cosell retreated into privacy, too, particularly after his wife, Emmy, passed away. Cosell died in 1995 at age 77.

“(Ali) sat down next to me at my father’s memorial service,” Jill recalls. “He could barely speak. After I read the family eulogy, Muhammad patted me. He had tears streaming down his face.

“I told him, ‘It’s OK, Muhammad.’ "



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