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Tips on how to prepare your home for cold weather

Plumbing technicians say the worst mistake you can make during this cold snap is to do nothing.

HOUSTON — Colder temperatures will start to settle in the Houston area over the next few days.

With temperatures possibly reaching into the 30s over the holiday weekend, people are reminded to keep their eye on pipes, especially the ones outside.

Plumbing technicians say the worst mistake you can make during this cold snap is to do nothing. They recommend doing something as simple as covering your outside pipes with insulation to help make sure your pipes won’t burst. 

Many people are preparing to hit the road leaving their homes behind holiday season. 

“We’re leaving town tomorrow so I’m just trying to get everything ready,” Rod Chris, a Houston homeowner said. 

With falling temperatures expected, homeowners like Chris are hoping to protect their homes while they’re away. 

“I’ve got some plumbing in the closet outside that just needs some insulation,” Chris said. 

Temperatures are expected to get below freezing heading into Christmas weekend. While conditions are not supposed to be as extreme as the Texas Freeze in 2021, it’s a reminder to be prepared.

“Customers that weren’t able to insulate their pipes or really prepare for it, they were out of town, they experienced a number of broken pipes inside their home, which led to numerous amounts of property damage and homes being flooded out,” Kyle Ernsting, a Village Plumbing service technician said. 

That’s the worst-case scenario for thousands ahead of the cold snap, so experts are recommending people prepare early. 

“You just want to go ahead and err on the side of caution. Try to get as much water out of your pipes as possible before it happens or while it’s happening get outside and turn your waterline off to your house — just open up your faucets and let it drain out as much as possible,” Ernsting said. 

Hardware shops are stocked with various products folks could use to help protect their homes

“Weather can change at a drop of a hat around here,” Ernsting said. “As I'm sure we all know. Just think that if you’re the one thinking that something’s going to happen, chances are the rest of the city’s thinking the same thing so definitely the sooner the better.”

Other helpful tips include checking in with a friend or neighbor who can give you a call if they notice a problem at your property. Another tip, make sure you know where your home's water shut-off valve is located. 

If you are faced with a broken pipe, shut off that water as soon as possible.

Gerald Harris on social media: Facebook | Twitter

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