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Power outages leave Houston-area residents to battle heat on their own

While temperatures hover in the triple-digits, some Houston-area residents are left dealing with the heat with no power.

HOUSTON — Power outages have been widespread across the Houston area -- from Sugar Land to Klein, Spring and Humble.

Heights resident Carlos Moreno said his power went out at 4 a.m. Monday and he had to leave his house at 6 a.m. because it was too hot.

RELATED: Interactive map | Check power outages across the state

He's one of many residents and businesses in the Heights that have been dealing with power outages since Monday morning.

Dealing with the heat is hard. But doing it without power is downright dangerous.

Moreno said he sat on his front porch to try to stay cool. He's retired and is worried that the food in his refrigerator will spoil, which would lead to an expense he wasn't counting on.

His neighbors are in the same boat.

Juan Torres said he's taking his kids somewhere cool because they can't handle the heat.

"Just go to the mall and get some food and stay there. When the lights come back on, I can come back home," he said.

Businesses are also being affected. The Denny's off I-10 lost power during its busiest time of the day -- just before breakfast. A worker said all of the food will have to be thrown away. Employees were sent home without the tip money they usually would earn.

Hotels in the area were also left without power.

Everyone is hoping the outages are resolved soon. CenterPoint hasn't responded to questions about what caused the outages Monday as well as over the weekend.

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