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More safety features to be added to Uber app after safety report released

"They sent out an email to all the drivers," said Venniece Robbins. "I am looking forward to having a conversation with my customers today."

HOUSTON — Grabbing an Uber is part of so many weekend routines. But a new U.S. Safety Report released by Uber is now raising some eyebrows, as it confirms thousands of sexual assaults involving its passengers and drivers. 

The safety report says Uber received nearly 6,000 reports of sexual assault between 2017 and 2018. Among those were 464 reports of rape.

And now today, Uber announced it will add more safety features to its ridesharing app. 

  • Deactivation sharing: Uber says it will find a way to share the names of drivers who have been banned from our platform for the most serious safety incidents with its ridesharing peers. 

  • New technology features: The company plans to roll out new features that allow riders to verify their driver with a secure PIN code, send a text message directly to 911 operators, and report safety incidents to Uber even before their trip is over.

  • Uber Survivor Support Hotline: In 2020, Uber will partner with RAINN to provide a dedicated survivor hotline that will provide confidential crisis support and specialized services to survivors.

  • Sexual misconduct education for all drivers: In 2020, Uber will expand sexual misconduct and assault education to all US drivers. It will partner with RAINN, the nation’s largest sexual violence organization, to design and implement this program.

  • RALIANCE Business: Uber is teaming up with RALIANCE, leaders in sexual violence awareness and prevention, to create a resource center that will help companies adopt consistent, fact-based standards and strategies and improve how they respond to, prevent, and publicly report on sexual violence.

"For me, it’s been great," said Venniece Robbins. "I was one of the first female drivers in the Houston market. I’ve seen, in five years, a lot of really great changes for me as a driver, that make me feel more safe."

Robbins has been driving for Uber, on and off, for about five years. The release of the safety report is the first of its kind. 

"Just reporting the statistical facts, it makes me feel safer," Robbins said. So do the continued safety additions on the app. 

Customers can share ride details with family and friends, call 911 through the app and ask that Uber follow their ride. Here's what else Uber does to keep riders and drivers safe. 

"So if I’m ever in a situation where I’m feeling unsafe, I can tap that and my ride is being tracked," Robbins said. "In my experience, most people just want to get from point A to point B safely."

RELATED: Uber reports more than 3,000 U.S. sexual assaults on 2018 rides in long-awaited safety report

RELATED: Uber loses license to operate in London

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