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Longtime Houston sportscaster Tim Melton not giving up despite stroke

I had the honor of working alongside Tim Melton at KTRK, Channel 13 for 32 years. Tim's life was turned upside down on October 16, 2011 when he had a stroke. For the first time he is speaking publically about the incident.

HOUSTON I had the honor of working alongside Tim Melton at KTRK, Channel 13 for 32 years. Tim s life was turned upside down on October 16, 2011 when he had a stroke. For the first time since that terrible day, he is speaking publically about the incident.

I got finished with the 5:30 newscast went back, got something to eat, sat down at my desk and within a minute or two my right hand felt like it had been asleep, says Melton. Immediately, I thought something was not right.

I tried to get a couple of the guys in the office to help me out, get their attention cause I knew I needed help.

Tim was rushed from the station to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a major stroke.

You know, I knew something was wrong with my hand started to tingle the way it was. One of my first thoughts was not Oh gosh why me? but more like See, you should have taken better care of yourself says Melton.

The biggest thing is go to your doctor on a regular basis and then listen and that was my biggest problem. I was reacting to blood pressure medication because my doctor told me it was a little high, says Melton. I took it, it worked, so I stopped taking it.

Tim was at TIRR for two months and has been rehabbing since.

My biggest concern right now is my right hand, says Melton. With my right hand, everything is very rudimentary but there is no touch.

Tim can walk and he says on some days his right side cooperates more than on other days. What he s most grateful for now is his family. His wife Sandy, his son s Dory and Timothy and his many friends.

It s been encouraging in the fact that I found out I have a great wife, says Melton. I couldn t have made it without her.

Tim hasn t been on the air since the stroke in October of 2011. He and KTRK parted company recently, but he misses what he did and loved all his life.

I would like to return to work, says Melton. Sometimes I say to myself that s crazy, but it s something that I still want to do so I still keep working towards that and I keep trying to get better.

After working side by side with him since 1981, I ve got to think someone will want him. He s talented, brave, one of the most decent people I ve ever known and he s not quitting.

No depression, no anger, says Melton. It happened. Now we go forward from here.

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