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Weather Blog: Increasing Humidity

The low humidity days are coming to an end after seeing picture perfect weather all week. Temperatures on the rise and the humidity will creep up too.
Credit: maxuser

You can blame the southeast winds for the high humidity over the next couple of days. Temperatures will start to warm too. Because of the added moisture we will also see a rain chance. I'm sure you're familiar with this weather pattern... high humidity with a slight rain chance haha!

With all of this sunshine this week a big topic of conversation is the pollen! Wow everyone talking about how the pollen is bothering them. It's the tree pollen and the grass pollen now. I'm hoping (more like wishing) the scattered showers this weekend wil help to knock some of the pollen down. We will see though. Probably not going to happen as next week sunny skies return.

Credit: maxuser

Even with the pollen looking the way that it does it is hard to complain with temperatures right where they should be!

Credit: maxuser

Added clouds will help to keep temperatures a bit more mild as we head in to our overnight hours.

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