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VERIFY: Is Kroger free $50 check the real deal?

HOUSTON - Our Verify team once again checked out a popular post on Facebook and per usual, it sounded a little too good to be true.

HOUSTON - Our Verify team once again checked out a popular post on Facebook and per usual, it sounded a little too good to be true.

The post claims Kroger is giving a free $50 check to everyone, all you have to do is fill out an online survey.

This one was pretty easy for our fact-checkers to chase down:

  • Kroger has put out a statement on it's own Facebook page warning this is a scam and it is most likely hackers trying to steal your information

It's important to remember that if you see a coupon or giveaway on social media that seems a little too good to be true, go to the company's page to see if they have posted the offer.


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