A coupon for a free dozen donuts is circulating on Facebook, and viewers have asked KHOU 11 News if it is legitimate. Our Verify took a closer look at the offer.
We found the sweet deal could actually do a number on your computer.
Our researchers reached out to Justin Drake, the senior manager of public relations for Dunkin’ Donuts, who told us this is not a legitimate offer.
We also found if you click on the coupon, you are directed to a survey and asked to share it on Facebook. But if you have virus protection. It will warn you the page is loaded with malware, so there is a good chance you could get a computer virus.
The bottom line: We can confirm this offer is no good.
VERIFY: Sources
Justin Drake, Sr. Manager, Public Relations, Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc.
VERIFY: Resources
Dunkin' Donuts website: https://www.dunkindonuts.com/en