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Jeb Bush on an election loss: GOP will 'have ourselves to blame'


Jeb Bush is angry — at Donald Trump and at his party.


Jeb Bush is angry — at Donald Trump and at his party.

The former Florida governor and GOP presidential candidate sounded off on the presumptive Republican nominee in an interview with the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. The interview was reported in English by The Huffington Post.

During the interview, Bush, who was the target of some of Trump's sharpest jabs during the primary campaign, went off on Trump’s attempt at Hispanic outreach earlier this month when Trump proclaimed in a tweet that he loved Hispanics as he ate a taco bowl.

“What Trump did was so insensitive,” Bush, a fluent Spanish speaker whose wife is Mexican, said to NRC. “First, not all Hispanics are Mexican. Secondly, not all Hispanics eat tacos. Thirdly, showing your sensitivity by eating an American dish is the most insensitive thing you can do. Fourthly, to say this, next to all things he already said, is a further insult. It’s like eating a watermelon and saying ‘I love African-Americans.’”

Gallup found that 77% of Hispanics have an unfavorable view of Trump in a March survey.

“This guy,” Bush continued. “If we lose in November, we Republicans have ourselves to blame.” 

“Parties no longer stand for anything, but become a vehicle for the ambitions of their leaders,” he said. “Politics becomes a personality show.”

Bush, along with his father and brother, clearly aren't enamored of the Trump show — all three have declined to support Trump. 

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