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Texans have never been able to register online to vote - until now

Before, Texans had to print out and mail in their registration form.

Registering to vote online is pretty common in states across the country, but not in Texas. 

Now, that is changing -- in a very limited way. 

Thanks to a recent court case, any Texans updating or renewing their driver's license will now be able to register online to vote. 

This is all because of the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, also known as the motor voter act. It requires states to let people register to vote when they apply or renew their licenses. 

To comply with that law, Texas use to direct people updating their license to an online voter registration form they could print out and mail in. Now a federal judge has ruled that's not good enough.

So starting this week, Texas DPS will now allow drivers to register online to vote when renewing their license or filling out a change of address application. 

While voting rights advocates applaud the move, they are calling for everyone in Texas to be allowed to register online -- pointing out now that the infrastructure is in place it would be easy to make it more broadly available. 

But that is a move that the Texas legislature would have to make.

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