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Why are the Texas STAAR tests different this year?

Some big changes are coming to the annual academic readiness exam

HOUSTON — The test prep for STAAR has already started in some schools. And while those words may make you think of number 2 pencils and rows of little bubbles to fill in, that’s not what it’s going to look like this year. 

This spring, the STAAR tests will all be online. And that has some teachers stressed. That’s because they will not only have to prepare kids for the content on the test but also how to navigate the software. 

While even elementary school kids are familiar with phones and tablets, those skills don’t necessarily translate to computers. So now, teachers are having to explain drop down menus and how to drag and drop to third graders.

But there are concerns about more than just computer literacy. There are questions about whether the tech will actually work. According to Houston Public Media, two years ago, an optional online version of the STAAR test crashed, but the TEA says there is a new vendor this year and extensive testing has already been done to make sure it won’t crash when thousands of kids all log on.

The tech isn’t the only thing to change. So is the content. 

Now, multiple-choice questions will be no more than 75 percent of the test.  The new emphasis is on writing. Now all great levels will see writing questions, often across subject matter. 

The idea is for students to show their work more to demonstrate they understand the subject matter.

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