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Man jumps off San Diego building, hits and kills bystander below

If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255.

SAN DIEGO — Police on Monday released the identity of the woman killed in a freak accident Sunday night. Police said Taylor Kahle, 29, was killed Sunday around 7:45 p.m. when an apparently suicidal man jumped from an East Village parking structure and landed on her.

The man described by the coroner to be in his 20s to 30s plunged from the ninth floor of the building and fell onto Kahle of San Diego as she was walking with a friend in the 1000 block of J Street shortly before 7:30 p.m. Sunday, according to the county Medical Examiner's Office.

Kahle died at the scene.

The man who leaped off the structure was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

A memorial where friends were paying tribute to Kahle continued to grow in the East Village on Monday night.

Her boss, Laurel McFarlane, of McFarlane Promotions, said Kahle was on a second date with a man she met online. They had gone to the zoo earlier that day and out to dinner that night. 

"I just want people to know she is an incredible person. This tragedy does not define her," said McFarlane. 

She said Kahle started as a shy intern eight years ago and found her voice and moved up to senior event manager. 

"I encouraged her, I pushed her in things she didn't always want to but it was incredible to watch this young lady blossom into this beautiful person," said McFarlane. 

She said Kahle adored her rescue dogs Roo and Stella and her father. She moved to Chicago for a short while but moved back home to take care of her dad who needed help after a surgery.

"It was her and her dad and it just gives you one person to love you with all your heart. To give you courage and strength and her dad was that for her and I was too and she was for me," said McFarlane.

The man with Kahle was uninjured, police said.

Kahle's boss at McFarlane Productions shared pictures and memories of her employee and friend with News 8 in the following email: 

"Eight years ago, an incredibly shy girl started at McFarlane Promotions as an intern.  I could see the spark that was beneath this girl who said very few words and used to have to write things down to talk to me. She was very similar to me at her age - shy, nervous, afraid to speak out, taking years to become confident and true to herself. Somehow I knew God gave me this incredible person to mentor, grow, and encourage to become a beautiful fully blossomed strong person.  I was honored to pass on the lessons that I learned so that she would not have to wait until she was into her 40’s to find herself as I had.

I watched as she grew and made changes in her life; the type of changes that I wish I had dared to do when I was her age.  She lived life with zest and always pushed herself beyond her comfort zone to lead the best life she could. Not only did she gain incredible strength over the past eight years, she surpassed her mentor.  I would sit in awe of her incredible bravery and fearless choices.  She was only in her 20’s, but I was so excited to see what she would accomplish over the next decade of her life.

I don’t even know how to write this line right now, and I have erased it over and over, but it is with a heart full of incredible sadness, that I have to let you know that Taylor Kahle was met with a tragic accident on Sunday and lost her life. 

She was just about to celebrate, as she liked to say, her “Dirty 30” and had everything planned down to the favors for her guests. She was a true event planner at heart. 

This year around February, we made an agreement to every day at 3:30 PM say what we are thankful and grateful for. I was trying to get us out of the Covid funk and thought it would help us.

I would like to share some of my favorite responses from her. She also made this definition on the top sheet.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word thankful as “pleased and relieved” and the word grateful as “showing an appreciation of kindness.” This is where the difference lies; being thankful is a feeling, and being grateful is an action.

A few things from our list that I would like to share that Taylor was thankful and grateful for.  It shows what an incredible person she was.

  1. Thankful I’m back in San Diego (Laurel Mcfarlane said her too!)
  2. Grateful that I still even have a job in this pandemic
  3. Grateful for my 2 crazy, fun, loving dogs
  4. Thankful for my health (Covid free this whole time!!)
  5. Grateful that I have a good support system that can support me through difficult issues that come my way
  6. Thankful for my dad and that I can live with him again and cherish these extra memories
  7. Thankful for the amazing weather we have year-round - San Diego is the best!!!
  8. Thankful that all my friends can make it to my Dirty 30 celebration - I feel so loved
  9. Thankful that as I’ve gotten older I have become wiser - let things go more!
  10. Thankful for the rain in San Diego - because we need it! And it’s soothing.
  11. Thankful that covid cases are going down and vaccinations are working!
  12. Thankful for Roo who is so silly and makes me laugh daily
  13. Thankful for Stella who has been my rock since high school (my entire adult life)
  14. Thankful for my childhood home that I still get to live in and enjoy
  15. Thankful for my cool car that I get to drive the car that I want!
  16. Thankful that I’m moving on from the past drama and looking at the bright side of life
  17. Thankful that all my friends are coming to my big birthday celebration – (she was so excited she said this twice, her party was this coming weekend) 
  18. Thankful that I have not only had an awesome boss but also a mentor/friend
  19. Thankful that San Diego Restaurant Week has come together and I ran a successful media campaign (per Laurel I kicked ass)
  20. Grateful we’re in the orange tier finally and there is an end in sight
  21. Grateful I got to spend some quality with my best friend Malia

Here is my note to Taylor,

Taylor, I am sorry that I can not hug you and tell you it will all be okay. I want you to know I am grateful for the Tuesdays and Thursdays that we would be in the office all alone these past months and just chit-chat about life, love, and our passion for events. Little did I know how precious that time was going to be.  That time together this Spring will forever be something I am grateful for.  I asked you to come work from the office for me, as you made me feel happier and I liked having you around. I know I broke all the rules as an employer, and honestly, you should not love your employee with all your heart; however, I did and I loved you like you were my daughter. As much pain as I am in right now, I am grateful for every fn rule I broke. 

You will be in my heart forever and I will celebrate you every day. 

I know Taylor touched many and she was one of the good ones.  I will never understand why she had to leave this life so soon. Her father was her best friend and due to Covid they spent the last year together.  I know she was the happiest when he was around as well with all her dogs she rescued. Everyone aspires to have a relationship like he had with his daughter.

Taylor gave in her final moments like she always did and was an organ donor, saving multiple lives and helping many in the end like she always did in her life. 

There will be a celebration of life and a way to honor her memory and will share when I know more details.

In loving memory

Your forever Boss lady😊"

If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 or the San Diego Access and Crisis Line at (888) 724-7240. Other San Diego resources on mental health can be found here.

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