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New poll of Texas Latino voters shows 'bread and butter' issues remain top priority for key voting bloc

With 49 days to go until Election Day, the poll shows Texas Latino voters prefer Harris and Allred to Trump and Cruz, but many remain undecided.

HOUSTON — With 49 days to go until Election Day, a new poll out from UnidosUS and BSP Research gives the most complete look yet at how Texas Latino voters are thinking this election.

Latino voters make a huge difference in Texas. Hispanics are the second-largest group in Texas, and they're reliable voters.

84% of registered Hispanic voters came out to vote in 2020. That was 23% of all voters, and here's a data point that will ring alarm bells for all campaigns.

"52% of Latino voters in the state said they hadn't heard from anyone (campaign)," UnidosUS Latino Vote Initiative Vice President Clarissa Martinez de Castro said.

That means there's a huge opportunity to still sway this critical voting block. So let's take a look at what these voters care about. The top issue is inflation at 57%, followed by jobs at 41%, immigration at 27%, healthcare at 26% and abortion/crime and guns all tied at 23%.

"Hispanic Latinos in Texas just want elected leaders to focus on their daily lives with straightforward solutions," UnidosUS Texas State Director Eric Holguin said.

Polling found 46% of Texas Latino voters say Democrats are better on their priority issues that's compared to 30% who believe it's the GOP. And you can see that reflected in the major races.

57% plan to definitely vote or are leaning towards Vice President Kamala Harris, while 34% plan to definitely vote or are leaning towards former President Donald Trump. 9% remain up for grabs and undecided.

In the big Senate race, 51% of Texas Latinos prefer Rep. Colin Allred compared to 31% who plan to vote for Sen. Ted Cruz. And a whopping 18% still remain undecided.

On immigration policy, Hispanic voters prefer a balanced approach. Only 18% support things like mass deportation. 50% support a path to citizenship for dreamers and a crackdown on drugs and human smuggling.

And when it comes to abortion Latinos in Texas appear to be in lockstep. An overwhelming 65% of Latinos oppose making abortion illegal and taking away a woman's right to choose.

All of this of course could have a major impact on how Texas votes in less than months. To see complete poll results click here.

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