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Ethan Couch heads to adult court on April 18

FORT WORTH, Texas — A date was set Wednesday for Ethan Couch's first appearance before an adult court judge.

FORT WORTH, Texas — A date was set Wednesday for Ethan Couch's first appearance before an adult court judge.

His hearing will be in Judge Wayne Salvant's court in Fort Worth on April 18.

That's the same judge overseeing the case against Tonya Couch, who is accused of helping her son flee to Mexico. That case has not yet gone to a grand jury.

Ethan Couch turns 19 on April 11. His case will officially transfer to adult court on that date.

Salvant will set Couch's new terms of probation.

However, Couch is expected to remain in jail for four months as part of the probation. He is being held in a single cell in a maximum security jail in Fort Worth.

Couch killed four people in a drunk driving crash in 2013. Many were outraged when Couch was not given jail time after his psychologist testified that he suffered from “affluenza” — essentially that he had been protected from the consequences of his poor decisions by his family’s wealth.

After a video surfaced of Couch at a party where others were playing beer pong, Couch and his mother went missing, sparking a manhunt. They were caught and arrested in Mexico in December 2015.

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