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Class action lawsuit challenges Texas foster care

Texas' foster care system is unconstitutional andshould be reformed, according to a class action lawsuit that wasfiled against the state Tuesday.

DALLAS -- Texas' foster care system is unconstitutional and

should be reformed, according to a class action lawsuit that was

filed against the state Tuesday.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Corpus Christi, claims

Texas forces thousands of children to live in poorly supervised

institutions and move frequently from one place to another. It also

contends that children languish for years without permanent

families, face a higher risk of abuse, are denied mental health

services and are routinely separated from their brothers and


The suit was initiated by Children's Rights, a New York-based

child advocacy group that regularly supports such legal action. The

plaintiffs are nine children between the ages of nine and 16.

Marcia Lowry, the executive director of Children's Rights, said

the 85-page pleading is the product of five years of scrutiny of

Texas' child welfare practices by her organization. A ruling that

the Texas system is unconstitutional would pave the way to reform,

she said.

This is a system that's been bad for a long time, Lowry said

at a news conference in Dallas. It's not going to turn around

overnight, but it can be turned around.

According to Lowry, improving the system wouldn't necessarily

require major new funding, even though the suit contends that the

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is severely


It's a question of where the state wants to put its money,

she said. There are ways to redesign the system.

Anne Heiligenstein, commissioner of the Department of Family and

Protective Services, said Texas' foster children are safe,

well-cared for and in a system that's nationally-recognized for

seeking adoptive parents. The system has been subject to reform and

has received more than $1 billion in additional funding in recent

years, she said in a written statement.

We're on the right path and will continue to do everything we

can to protect Texas children, but I worry that a lawsuit like this

will take critical time and resources away from the very children

it presumes to help, Heiligenstein said.

According to statistics compiled by the agency, the number of

caseworkers in Child Protective Services has risen in the last six

years from 2,947 to 4,660. The number of adoptions consummated

during that time period also has increased dramatically, from 2,512

to 4,803.

The Texas suit is the 12th class action initiated by Children's

Rights seeking reform to the child welfare systems administered by

state or municipal governments. Three other suits remain in

litigation, and eight have been settled, according to the


The suit names Gov. Rick Perry, Heiligenstein and Thomas Suehs,

executive commissioner of the Texas Health and Human Services

Commission, as defendants.

It contends that deficiencies in the system, including

overburdened case workers and poorly supervised contract providers,

have led to a number of harmful conditions for the 12,000 children

in long-term foster care. These children in the state's permanent

managing conservatorship have become forgotten, according to

the suit.

The suit cites statistics showing that, as of 2009, children who

had been in the state's custody more than three years had been

placed in an average of 11 different homes or other settings such

as shelters or residential treatment centers. Cycling children

through the system in this manner doesn't comply with reasonable

professional standards, the complaint alleges.

The suit also is critical of the state's use of foster group

homes that accommodate seven to 12 children. Those homes can be

little more than poorly supervised dormitories, and they

provide further evidence of how the Texas system differs from

conventional standards, according to the suit.

The suit draws much of its narrative from recent media accounts,

including an Associated Press story detailing how one foster group

home in East Texas was a collection of mobile homes and how the

state repeatedly ruled out allegations that young girls living

there were sexually abused by their foster father until he was

arrested on those charges.

(That type of home) is an unusual form of treatment and was

one of the things that surprised us when we began our

investigation, Lowry said.

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