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Texas Southern president announces retirement

Crumpton-Young, in a letter to the TSU Board of Regents, said it was a privilege to serve as the university's president.
Credit: Texas Southern University

HOUSTON — Texas Southern University President Lesia L. Crumpton-Young is leaving the school, the university announced on Friday.

Crumpton-Young, in a letter to the TSU Board of Regents, said it was a privilege to serve as the university's president.

Read her full letter:

"Dear Chairman Myres:

"I consider it a professional privilege to have served the past two years as President of Texas Southern University. With the support of the TSU Board, students, faculty, staff, alumni, community, and corporate partners, we have collectively achieved unprecedented success at an accelerated pace.

"I believe this is a critical and unique time in the history of American higher education, particularly Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). As I reflect, over the past few months, about what we have accomplished at Texas Southern University and the challenges and opportunities that beset the HBCU sector; I am called to expand my commitment to transforming lives by helping elevate HBCUs to a broader national stage. It is my goal to assist in accelerating this urgent and compelling objective and by assisting in shaping the national success of HBCUs and Higher Education at-large. With the successful conclusion of the 2022-2023 Academic Year, it seems like the most appropriate time to share this communication with you.

"While I am eager to move forward expeditiously for the good of our illustrious institution, I remain mindful of always serving the best interest of TSU. Therefore, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you at your earliest convenience so that we may partner in planning an effective and efficient transition.

"Please know that I am grateful to you and the Board of Regents and all of those who have supported institutional advancements under my administration. I shall always cherish my time spent at 'Tiger Nation' and will forever be TSU PROUD.

"Most sincerely, 

"Lesia L. Crumpton-Young"

The Board of Regents unanimously accepted Crumpton-Young's retirement request. 

Read their full memo:

"In a collegial manner, Dr. Lesia Crumpton-Young approached me, as Chairman of the Texas Southern University Board of Regents, with her retirement request.

"The board unanimously agreed with the request and the mutually beneficial timing that will ultimately lead to the best outcome for Texas Southern University.

"I would like to personally thank Dr. Young and her family for their service to this great institution. We wish them the very best.

"Effective immediately, a board Transition Oversight Committee, chaired by Dr. Mary Sias, will be formed. All divisional vice presidents will continue to lead their TSU areas of daily responsibility, serve collectively in the executive function role during this interim period, and report to the board via the smaller oversight committee. A formal resolution ratifying the formation of this committee will be presented at the June 15 meeting of the TSU Board of Regents.

"We look forward to the continued growth and success of Texas Southern University. As always, we are TSU Proud.

"Albert H. Myres

Chairman, TSU Board of Regents"

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