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Rare sea slugs called blue dragons wash up near Corpus Christi

Experts say you should stay away if you see one, because they feed on man o' wars and sting just as badly when touched.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Blue dragons, a type of sea slug, have washed up on a few of our area beaches.

They are characterized by their bright blue coloring and winged dragon shape, but while these slugs don't breathe fire, they still pose a threat. Experts warn that you should stay away if you see one at the beach.

What makes them dangerous is their choice of meal: man o' wars. Because of this diet, touching them will sting just as badly as if you were to touch the jellyfish relative. 

Officials at the Mission-Aransas Reserve found about four of the blue dragons in a 100-meter stretch of beach, just north of Bob Hall Pier.


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