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ADL map: Where is the most white supremacist propaganda distributed in the United States?

Incidents of white supremacist propaganda distribution and events reached an all-time high in the United States in 2022.
Credit: ADL

HOUSTON — White supremacist propaganda distribution and events are on the rise across the country, according to the Anti-Defamation League's annual report.

There were 6,751 incidents in 2022, a 38% increase over 2021.

Texas was targeted the most. There were 527 reported incidents of propaganda in 2022, a 61% increase over 2021.

"We’re disappointed and alarmed to see Texas at the top of the list," ADL Southwest Regional Director Mark B. Toubin said. "Over the past year and half, many residents in our region have reported white supremacist propaganda strewn overnight on their lawn or driveway within rock-filled plastic bags. In response, all Texans must resist these efforts at intimidation as well as speak out against this unconcealed display of antisemitism and hate."

Propaganda was reported in every state except for Hawaii, the ADL said. Besides Texas, (from most to least active) Massachusetts, Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, Utah, Florida, Connecticut and Georgia also had high levels of activity, according to the report.

Click here to see a map that shows where it happened most and least.

Three white supremacist groups: Patriot Front, Goyim Defense League (GDL) and White Lives Matter (WLM) were responsible for 93% of the activity, according to the ADL.

Key findings from ADL’s 2022 report (taken verbatim from report) include:

  • White supremacist groups increasingly used banners, often draped over highway overpasses, to publicize their hate. ADL recorded at least 252 banner drops, a 38% increase from the 183 counted in 2021.
  • ADL documented 167 white supremacist events, a 55% increase from the 108 recorded in 2021. Events took place in 33 states, with the most activity (from most to least active) in Massachusetts, California, Ohio and Florida. The White Lives Matter network was responsible for 43% of these events.
  • ADL recorded 219 incidents of white supremacist propaganda distribution on campuses, a 6% decrease from 2021 and the lowest number since ADL began tracking in 2017. While the majority of these incidents occurred on college or university campuses, at least 11 incidents were reported on K-12 campuses.
  • On-campus propaganda was recorded in 39 states, with the highest levels of activity (from most to least active) in Texas, Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan.

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