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Katy Kung Fu master teaches kids more than fighting

Kids come to Brad Ryan's business to learn how to fight but get hit with more.

KATY – A Kung Fu teacher recently accepted into a martial arts Hall of Fame is changing lives in Katy.

Brad Ryan is the only living master inducted into the Wing Chun Hall of Fame. His also a disciple of Benny Meng whose schools boast direct ties to the guy who taught Bruce Lee.

Kids come to Ryan’s business to learn how to fight but get hit with more.

“The real fight in life is here and here,” Ryan said.

Ryan demands behavior reports from students.

“They ask parents how (my son) is doing at home,” said Mari Rolen, a parent. “They ask the teachers to write notes to them, too.”

Ryan disciplines kids who misbehave. He also teaches etiquette.

“It’s about being kind,” he said. “(That includes saying), 'Yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, no ma’am,' opening the door for mom, cleaning your room when she asks you and after one time asking.”

Shannon Harper sees her 6-year-old son, Legend, whipping anger.

“He does exactly what he is asked to do,” Harper said. “He doesn’t give me any arguments. He used to do that. He used to argue with his teachers as well. Now he does none of that.”

Ryan part-time teaches kids at Katy ISD how to escape kidnappers. Though he now stands among Kung Fu’s elite, Ryan most treasures guiding little feet in his Katy studio.

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