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Cypress family turning their tragedy into hope for other families

Judah Brown drowned in September of 2016. Now, his family is working to prevent similar tragedies from happening.

HOUSTON — It’s been eight years since Christi Brown’s 3-year-old son drowned in apartment swimming pool. During that time, the Cypress family has made it their mission to help hundreds of other families put their kids through swim lessons.

Brown still remembers every detail about the day she lost Judah. The family was swimming with friends in September of 2016, when the toddler got out of the pool for a drink and snack. Brown took off his puddle jumper to wrap him up in a towel.

“He had slipped away from me when I didn’t hear it. I didn’t see it,” Brown said. “I found him face down in the water in the shallow end of the pool.”

After that day, the family learned drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children ages one to four.

The loss inspired the Cypress family started the Judah Brown Project. They provide scholarships to help families who can’t afford it pay for swim lessons. Brown says talking to those parents keeps her going.

“[A scholarship recipient] told me her son fell into the water and had to use his skills," Brown said. "She didn’t see it happen. When she turned around, he was floating there on his back ready for her to come get him. When I hear stories like that, it makes everything worth it." 

The Judah Brown Project also provides CPR lessons and bereavement resources to help loved ones cope after drownings.

“Now we have nearly 200 families in the program where we help them out with bereavement resources as well as honoring their kids every year on their birthdays and anniversary dates,” she said.

Helping others is her way of honoring Judah’s memory.

Scholarships for swim lessons are awarded nationwide. You can donate to the cause or apply for a scholarship at judahbrownproject.org.

If you are heading to the water, make sure your family knows these safety tips.

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