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Jim 'Mattress Mack' McIngvale talks about what landed him in the emergency room

Mack posted multiple times while he was in the hospital, giving updates on his condition.

HOUSTON — Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale is out of the hospital after a three-day medical scare, but he’s not at home resting. He went back to work the morning after he was released from St. Luke’s Hospital.

Mack is on antibiotics and other various medications as he fights a pretty nasty infection. His left leg is red and badly swollen. He spoke to us from a recliner on the Gallery Furniture showroom floor, with his leg iced and elevated.

The official diagnosis -- cellulitis, an infection that enters through a break in the skin, causing swelling and pain.

Mack says he lost a toenail a few weeks ago and then his legs started swelling. 

“But the swelling kept getting worse and worse," he said. "I couldn't hardly put my boots on, so I shoulda expected something. I should have gone to the doctor earlier.”

Saturday he was nauseous, confused and insisted it was Thursday. Employees called an ambulance.  

“I was dazed, glazed and amazed that day and still a little bit loopy several days later,” he said. 

Mack let us talk to his doctor, who told us his temperature was 102 when he was admitted, likely causing his confusion.

Mack posted from the hospital.  He even gave out his personal phone number and says 5,000 people texted him.  

“I sure try to reply to all of them,” he said. 

And yes, Mack -- a consummate salesman -- also posted from that recliner with a sales pitch.

“Does the wife or anyone else say, ‘Give it a break?’” we asked.

“Come on now," he laughed. "They know I'm a huckster. I'm a huckster. I got to huckster. I got to pitch. I pitch until the day I die.”

And that’s how you know Mack is on the mend.


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