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Coyotes lingering around the Loop? Residents share videos of Houston's roaming wildlife

Coyotes are vital in keeping other wildlife populations in check -- including rodents, rabbits and skunks.

HOUSTON — A pack of coyotes was recently caught on video in southeast Houston.

What was surprising was how close they were to some busy roads. Joshua Vallejo said he was surprised but was also in awe.

"Waking up in the morning to see a pack of coyotes is not something you'd expect to see," Vallejo said.

Vallejo started his Tuesday morning near Northdale Street and Dixie Drive when something across a field caught his attention. He initially thought they were dogs, but more kept coming and they all looked the same, so he pulled his phone out and took a video.

"I wanted to make sure it wasn’t me and my just imagination," he said. "I’ve never seen one in person -- at least not that many."

What's now an open field near the intersection used to be filled with trees. Vallejo said he saw a pack of eight or nine coyotes in the field.

In about five years, a lot has changed in the area. The woods that once filled the field are gone, leaving a wide-open space.

"Maybe back then we didn’t see them just because there was so many trees. But now it’s plain, there’s no trees, no nothing, so you can obviously see pretty far out," Vallejo said.

Wildlife experts said it's best to try to get used to having the coyotes around. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department said nuisance coyotes have been found in every urban part of Texas, including Houston. They said the animals typically avoid people.

They said it's best to not leave out pet food overnight and to secure garbage can lids. They also recommend keeping small pets inside unless they're supervised. Coyotes won't typically bother livestock, but if they're hungry, they could target domestic animals or poultry.

Coyotes are vital in keeping other wildlife populations in check -- including rodents, rabbits and skunks.

Katiera Winfrey on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram

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