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Getting to know KHOU 11 Anchor Lisa Hernandez

Getting to know KHOU 11 Anchor Lisa Hernandez

Lisa Hernandez joins KHOU 11 in October 2011 as co-anchor of KHOU 11 News at 5 and 10 with Greg Hurst.

Lisa comes to Houston from KABC-TV in Los Angeles, a top-rated ABC station where she spent seven years as a weekday reporter and weekend anchor.   

Lisa grew up in Indio, California, just east of Palm Springs. She earned a degree in political science from UCLA.

Lisa began her television news career in 2001 as a producer for KESQ in Palm Springs. She also worked as a reporter in Charlotte, North Carolina before joining KABC-TV. 

While in Southern California, Lisa covered a wide range of stories. She reported from Tijuana on increased drug cartel violence at the border, covered disastrous wildfires and a mudslide that destroyed many homes. She also enjoyed reporting on the lighter side of LA at the Oscars and the American Music Awards, championship parades for the Los Angeles Lakers, the annual Rose Parade and numerous celebrity interviews.

An avid runner, Lisa has participated in several marathons, qualifying for the Boston Marathon three times.

She is also a big fan of football. For three decades, her father has coached high school football in Southern California, so she and her family live for the gridiron high school, college and pro.

Getting to know Lisa Hernandez

How long have you lived in Houston?

I moved to Houston on September 25, 2011.

What is your favorite mobile app?

In a new city? Mapquest.

Where is your hometown?

Indio, California - about a half hour east of Palm Springs.

Do you have any pets?

I have two dogs, Charlie and Lola.

What is something you wouldn t leave the house without?

My iPhone.

What is your favorite part of working in television news?

The camaraderie in a newsroom. Whether personalities clash or not, you re family! You have to rely on each other to get the best product on the air and it s great to see it all come together every night.

If you could trade lives with someone for a day, who would that be?

Greg Hurst. I want his seats at Reliant Stadium.

What is your favorite movie in 2011?

This will sound lame, but, I haven t seen a movie this year! Coming from the overnight shift in LA, most of my free time has been spent running errands, running the dogs, or catching up on sleep. Plus my brother and his wife recently had twin boys. Life as an aunt has been wonderful -- but busy!!!

What are you 3 favorite films?

I love to laugh. So, as much as I want to list ridiculously smart films, I have to be real: Caddyshack, Animal House and Wedding Crashers.

What are you reading right now?

My KHOU 11 employee handbook.

What are your favorite books?

I m a non-fiction gal. Anything historical, biographical, count me in. If it includes historical maps, I m hooked.

What are your favorite foods?

Mexican food and anything chocolate.

What kind of music do you like?

Anything goes! I grew up listening to my parents favorites. Mom lived for Motown, and Dad blasted Santana, CCR and Alabama on road trips. But I also love Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder and Bob Marley. If I m working out, I need some Dre, Tupac or Ice Cube. AC/DC also works.

And let s not forget the Zac Brown Band, Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw solid favorites that occupy a good chunk of my playlist.

Who is your favorite band?

Any band that sounds good recorded AND live.

What is always in your refrigerator you cannot live without?

Bottled water

Coffee or tea or neither?

Coffee, my best friend.

What is one thing you dream to do?

I would really love to travel. I ve been so focused on work since graduating college, I haven t made the time.

What is one thing about you most people might be surprised by?

I struggled with my weight as a kid. I was a good 20 pounds overweight by the time I was in the 6th grade! It all changed when my Mom encouraged me to run/walk with her every morning.

Running is an acquired taste, but, I was hooked within a few months. In that time I dropped the weight and have relied on running ever since. It s still tough to keep the weight off, but, I refuse to let my DNA determine my level of fitness.

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Boston. If I m there, it means I ve managed to qualify for the Marathon, a goal I didn t meet this year.

Where was your last vacation?

The maternity ward! I used my vacation time to be there with the rest of my family when my brother and sister-in-law welcomed their twin boys into the world.

What is your favorite soft drink?

Diet coke

Do you have any siblings?

I have one older brother, Mike, who works as a Deputy District Attorney back home in California.

What else might we like to know about you?

I m a mutt! I m a mix of German and Mexican heritage.

What is your favorite pastime?

I enjoy watching college football on a lazy Saturday. And running.

What is your favorite car model?

Anything reliable.

Who is your hero?

My parents. They are the strongest people I know.

If you had 1-million dollars, what would you do with it?

Donate some, throw some in savings, and then send the parents on a vacation.

Did anyone inspire you in your life?

I am inspired daily by total strangers; people I see struggling to get through life but who still manage to put a smile on their face and move forward.

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